My goal as a yoga teacher is to lead you to the point that you don’t need me to practice





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Alenka was born in 1980 in former Czechoslovakia during the communist regime. She has been selected through the fine arts and culture revitalization program to attend art school. She became avid and awarded artist in various media at a very young age. After the regime changed and it was time for her to select a college, she followed her family wishes and went on to study International relationships at the University of Economics in Prague. Alenka continued in her pursuits of business opportunities and moved to the United States in 2005. Few years after settling in USA, Alenka rekindled her love for art, set up her studio and started to paint again. She found her passion in abstract painting.

Growing up in former Czechoslovakia, she lived in two different worlds, her family and the outside world. At that time she could not reveal her true beliefs, feelings and opinions as the communist regime allowed for no other opinions except the party line. Little Alenka found her sanity in art. Her works are her way of communication with the outside world, expressing her deepest feelings and emotions.

Alenka discovered yoga shortly after moving full time to California in 2012. Yoga became the next step on her spiritual journey and as an artist, it opened up a new possibility to connect mind to body and to emotions. Almost immediately yoga became a part of her day to day life. Yoga was giving her more than a great exercise and physical benefits, she began to discover the emotional and spiritual benefits. Practice of yoga made her feeling amazing, happy and alive more than ever before. The impact yoga has had on her was huge. Alenka realized she was hungry for more. Her desire to understand yoga led her to completely emerge into yoga on the big island in Hawaii, where she was trained in yoga alliance approved Unified yoga and studied with Troy McPeak, the founder of Unified yoga and Peak Beings. Alenka completed the training in the techniques of teaching yoga postures, hatha, vinyasa flow, pranayama, meditation, relaxation, yoga history and philosophy, ethics and anatomy. Alenka was looking for the insight into the world of yoga and she found herself on a spiritual journey, feeling that she couldn’t keep what she has discovered to herself. She feels blessed to be able to guide others through the journey of discovery and practice of yoga.

Alenka focuses on private lessons for individuals that are new to yoga as well as experienced yogis wishing to bring their practice to the next level. Alenka believes we are all unique and different and she stresses that in her yoga sessions. She believes that while what we are able to see on the outside is extremely important it is what happens on the inside that really matters. Her favorite practice is what she calls “flow n’ chill”, a balanced blend of energetic flow that will pick your heart rate up, stretch and a short meditation accompanied by music.