Why Blissful Souls

You may have heard that everything is energy. Einstein coined this phrase ages ago, and those of us who work in the realm of holistic energy and health know it to be deeply true. Creating a state of optimal health – spiritual, physical and emotional – is a journey through and into all the various aspects of our energetic body.

Using a multi-modal approach to wellness, healing and growth, Blissful Souls Wellness concierge works to elevate, uplift, unshackle and ‘vibe up’ clients in order that they can attain their highest potential for feeling great. Our experts in yoga, alternative medicine, energy healing, nutrition and non-traditional medicine work in tandem with clients to reveal and emerge them as the highest vibrational being that they can be.

We begin helping clients shift by clearing lower energies with our vast array of tools and modailites.  Then, we move on to creating optimal conditions for personal growth, health, vitality. Using a vast array of energy and body work practgices, yoga, and nutrition, we help you achieve your highest, most fully developed vibrational acuity, which is key to unfolding your greatest sense of well-being and life satisfaction.

Low-vibrational thoughts, food and environment directly correlate to dis-ease in the energetic field.  Flawed patterns and cause blocks in the flow of energy make us feel “stuck”, stressed out, tired, depressed and even physically ill.

When we’ve achieved our optimal state of vitality, we crave and consume only high vibration energies, whether it be food, thought, surroundings or self-talk.  We begin to Spiral UP into greater joy and overall well being on every level. When mind, body and spirit line up, symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and the like simply melt away. We nourish and nurture ourselves rather than giving in to cravings and unhealthy choices of people, food, company, thought, action. We begin to dream and do.

In gifting ourselves with the time and attention we deserve to become healthy, every aspect of our lives will improve.  Let us help you raise your vibration. We humans all need a little tuning up sometimes!!  Our unique multi-modal, Spiral Up approach will allow you to live into the highest love, light and creative force that you are – inside out.


Danielle Cavallucci, Alchemy Now, LLC


Alenka Dearmin, Blissful Souls





You’ve probably heard that yoga is good for you. Maybe you have even tried it and discovered that it makes you feel better. A regular practice can offers all kinds of mental and physical health benefits. Some, like improved flexibility, are clearly evident. Others, including mental clarity and stress reduction, may be more subtle but are just as powerful. When put together, all the benefits below contribute to an increased feeling of well-being, which helps explain why so many people find yoga so addictive.

Physical Benefits

Flexibility: Moving and stretching in new ways will help you become more flexible, bringing greater range of motion to tight areas. Over time, you can expect to gain flexibility in your hamstringsbackshoulders, and hips.

Strength: Many yoga poses require you to support the weight of your own body in new ways, including balancing on one leg (such as in Tree Pose) or supporting yourself with your arms (such as in Downward Facing Dog). Holding poses over the course of several breaths also builds strength.

Muscle tone: As a by-product of getting stronger, you can expect to see increased muscle tone. Yoga helps shape long, lean muscles.

Balance: Improved balance is one of the most important benefits of yoga as you get older. Poses where you stand on one leg and, for more advanced students, inversions, are great ways to build core strength.

Joint Health: People with arthritis often see marked improvement in their pain and mobility with regular gentle yoga practice. People with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can also benefit from specific types of yoga exercises.

Pain Prevention: Increased flexibility and strength can help prevent the causes of some types of back pain.

Many people who have back pain spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or driving a car. That can cause tightness and spinal compression, which you can begin to address with yoga. Yoga also improves your alignment, both in and out of class, which helps prevent many other types of pain.

Better Breathing: Most of us take shallow breaths and don’t give much thought to how we breathe. Yoga breathing exercises, called pranayama, focus the attention on the breath and teach us how to take deeper breaths, which benefits the entire body. Certain types of breath can also help clear the nasal passages (helpful for people with allergies) and even calm the central nervous system, which has both physical and mental benefits.

Mental Benefits

Mental Calmness: Yoga asana practice is intensely physical. Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing a calmness to the mind. Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, such as watching the breath and how to disengage from your thoughts. These skills can prove to be very valuable in intense situations off the mat, like childbirth, a bout of insomnia, or when having an anxiety attack.

Stress Reduction: Physical activity is good for relieving stress, and this is particularly true of yoga. Because of the concentration required, your daily troubles, both large and small, seem to melt away during the time you are on the mat. This provides a much-needed break from your stressors, as well as helping to put your problems into perspective. The emphasis yoga places on being in the moment can also help relieve stress, as you learn not to dwell on past events or anticipate the future. You will leave a yoga class feeling less stressed than when you started. Reducing stress can also make a big difference for people struggling with infertility.

Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. You are often called upon to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment. Over time, this will increase your level of comfort in your own body. This can lead toimproved posture and greater self-confidence.


One secret to feeling less stressed, staying focused and sleeping better? Kicking your day off with yoga! Learn the best morning moves to calm your mind down and energize your body. Practice yoga outside, breathe in the fresh air and deepen your connection to the beautiful nature surrounding you. YOGA will teach you to harness your own energy and proactively use your mind and body to balance your central nervous system healing and stimulating your physical and emotional layers. Every day at 8am, TREASURE ISLAND PARK, LAGUNA BEACH, with Carl Brown and Alenka Dearmin


Practice what you love with your whole being. Stay patient, determined and devoted. Put your heart into your your devotion and go on, whether its a good day or bad one, rain or shine, whether others appreciate and applaud or whether they reject it, whether you are succeeding or failing, eventually your perseverance will bring the rewarding feeling of contentment, self accomplishment and satisfaction, finding happiness within, in every little step of the way.  www.blissfulyogapractice.com ‪#‎yogainthepark‬ ‪#‎donationyoga‬‪#‎lagunabeachyoga‬ ‪#‎freshairyoga‬ ‪#‎loveyourpractice‬